What's Jack up to? Today he's busy stealing socks as I'm trying to sort them. Naughty dog!
As promised here's what the return trip to Tiffany bought. I love it. Just the name Tiffany makes me smile and think of Audrey Hepburn.
If only I could be half as chic.
So, it's so long to 2007.
I find it a bit of a let down that I'm:
a) Not flying around in a spaceship Ala: The Jetsons
b)Not partying like it's 1999- been there done that, I guess.
c)Didn't lose the weight that I resolved to lose last year. Oh well, here I go again.
This year I'm gonna:
a)write more and more and more!
a)write more and more and more!
b)be more organized (it's a bit sad that I'm snickering as I write that one).
c)work out and lose the weight I didn't lose last year (is it a bad sign that my eyes are rolling on their own with this one?).
d)relax and don't sweat the small stuff (now I'm frowning because this relax thing directly goes against the other three oh well...).
So what are your resolutions for the New Year? Care to share?
Best of luck with whatever you do.