Saturday, January 30, 2010
An Interview, A Giveaway and a Scandal

Friday, January 29, 2010
Chill Baby
Thursday, January 28, 2010
You see I’ve tried writing in other spaces in my house but my bedroom is my sanctuary and I’m my most creative in there (Stop your thinking right there. This blog is family friendly, well, most days)
So here are a few pics that I have been dreaming on.

Speaking of pretty spaces there is a cool competition going on at Apartment Therapy called the Big Window Challenge and blogger and decornista, Eddie Ross is entered. Today is the last day to cast your vote. You can go here and check out Eddie and the rest of the competition. That gorgeous bag on the chair alone deserves a nod don't ya think?

Have fun and what projects are you visualizing today?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Going Gaga for Fashion

All the wild fashions were not on the stage either. I wish I had taken pics of the crowd. There was a guy with a jacket made of lights that I was so glad I wasn’t seated behind. Also quite a few women my age (and size) in unitards (not pretty at all) and the coolest and coldest duo were two guys in loincloths and boots and that was it all except the blue body paint ala Avatar. Very fun.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So this story is like my worst nightmare since it's so Kwana like. I think I may have said here before that in my fashion days one of my nicknames was "Grace" since I'm such a klutz. Constantly tripping over my own feet and getting all sorts of snickers from the more gracefully inclined fashionistas. I can't tell you how many times my DH has chuckled at my stubbing a toe and gotten his head bitten off for it in the middle of the night. "Hey, who moved that bed?!" "Uh, nobody it's been there for years." "Oh, well, shut it!"
Well, when I heard the story about the poor woman who tripped and fell into this Picasso at the Met tearing it my heart just broke for her. There but for the grace of God go me and all that. Read more about it here.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Playing My Position
I made it through the Gaga weekend. Though by DD and her friends did lots of fretting over what they were going to wear I decided to play my position and go as, well, me The 40 Year Old Mother in jeans, an olive draped sweater, and my comfy Uggs. Yes, I said it Uggs. Ga-Ga indeed. But my feet didn't hurt. Lordy I am getting old.
But, I've had my days of dress-up and fun way back in the day. Saturday night I was just there to fade in the background and keep and eye on things, make sure the girls weren't snatched up or anything.
Of course I enjoyed the show while I was trying to fade. I did my share of head bobbing and danced a bit when I could sneaked it in without a dirty look sent my way. I particularly liked the opening act, a glam rock band called Semi Precious Weapons that my DD told me I was too old to like as much as I did. Sigh. Whatever. (insert eye roll here)
Here was my tweet on the subject. I was having fun but am afraid the girls were corrupted:
Lead singer just stripped and changed on stage I'm afraid girls are changed forever same as me with Prince the first time. 6:47 PM Jan 23rd from web

Lady Gaga put in a great show. I have to say I liked her before but really like her even more now. She has so much talent and energy and knows how to use it to her advantage. Am I a little monster? Maybe.

All in all a good time, though I could have done without the drinks being thrown down from me from overhead. I'm wayyyy to old for that crap.

Here is a little Semi Precious Weapons for you if you can deal. ***Warning explicit lyrics.*** Not for the faint of heart. Have fun.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Bad Romance
Friday, January 22, 2010
Friday Musings
Oh well. The week has flown and I feel I’ve gotten much of nothing done but have been so busy. Yeah, I’m sure there were a few things thrown in here and there, but for the life of me I can’t place them.
Just for fun I’ll share a pic of the Dear Twins birthday cake from their party last week. I decided to embarrass them once more and use the blog pics on their cake. I think it came out so cute and it was delish too. I still can't believe I have 16 year olds but all the teen drama tells me it is so. Sigh.
In other ramblings... are you watching Project Runway? I am but have the hardest time remembering it’s on Lifetime now. It’s so hard to break a habit. Hey, don’t my hips know it? I thought Amy, Jay and Anthony rocked it this week and to me Amy made that burlap beautiful.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Before and After
It was totally my own fault
And seeing how good he looks now I'm just ashamed (Kwana hangs head...until next time).
Sorry Jackster.
Have you ever just let things (like your poor pet or gasp, your own hair) go?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
A Long and Bumpy Road

P.S. old glasses in the pic. Waaa I miss them.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

pics thanks to Daily Candy- glasses from NYC's Fabulous Fanny's
Monday, January 18, 2010
Still Climbing
This is such an important and hard fought holiday. For all of us the significance can't be forgotten. On the way to church yesterday while listening to the radio with my son we heard Reverend Al Sharpton say we have to make sure this is a Holiday and not a Hollow day and that makes sense. Kids have to know all that has happened to make this day happen in our country.
I also want to send positive thoughts to my own Pastor and many United Black clergy members as they travel with Rev Al to Haiti to help with relief. It is so wonderful how so many good people from all over the world have come together to help during this awful and devastating time.
Yes, there are those twisted few that are not true Christians (though they claim to be) or those that have dark hearts that want to twist this tragedy for their own media fame, but don't that that outweigh all those who truly care. There are so many from all walks of life, color and religions. And these people should be applauded. Thanks.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Sweet 16

While I was blinking you grew older and time just passed me by
I don’t know how this happened that 16 years has passed
It really can’t be true
But the calendar says so, thou my heart it fights and says no
I have to give in and face the truth
Happy Birthday my Dear Babies, I will hold on to that right
To call you my Dear Babies with all of my might
You will always be my Dear Babies
Whether you are 16 or 60
Because you are the dearest things in the word forever and always to me
Thursday, January 14, 2010
This Woman's Work

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
What Cha Reading? January edition...
So What Cha Reading? We are having the hardest time with a book club selection for our mom's night out/ book/ drinks group. We did choose The Lucuna by Barbara Kingsolver but it didn't stick so then a few choices were handed out as to another pic, one being Elizabeth Gilbert's newest Committed which I still want to read since I loved Eat, Pray, Love. Now I know this may not live up to the original but still I'm going in. It also didn't stick with the all members so I'm afriad the Book/drinking/mom's night out group might lose the book part because I am not ready to lose the other parts.
Mom needs a night out!
Either way, right now I'm reading Countess of Scandal by Laurel McKee. I just got a change to get into it during the DD's dance class but so far it's a win!

Here is the blurb:
Eliza Blacknall and Will Denton were childhood sweethearts, growing up on neighboring estates in beautiful County Kildare. But adulthood finds them on opposite sides of the monumental and violent struggle of 1798, as Eliza supports the United Irish in their quest for independence, and Will is a major in the British Army, sworn to uphold the Crown. The passion for each other burns hotter than ever—but can it survive as their world crumbles around them?
Check out Laurel's site here.
So what are you reading?
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Feeling Better

My laptop is fixed and I didn't lose a thing. Whew. I can breathe easier. The only problem I have now is some old (annoying) sticky keys which are now stickier. So The DH thinks I may soon have to send it out for keyboard replacement. Ack! More time without my DLT (dear laptop).

But for now I'm feeling more like myself today with my trusty companion. Thanks for all your good thoughts yesterday.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Ahh Choo!

And I'm still not cured. I'm typing is on the old computer in my f-f-frezing basement. The DH spent Saturday night and the better part of Sunday trying to fix my laptop with no success while I was alternating between praying,biting my nails, nagging him, rocking and chanting. He plans to come home from work with other tactics to try but is afraid that he may have to wipe out everything I have in order to clear things up. *sob*
This writer chick is not a happy camper. I feel like I'm missing my right arm.
I hope you're doing better than me today.
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010
Warm Me Up

Pic from the Satorialist
And thanks for your sweet comments on the My Space feature yesterday. You all warm me considerably.
UPDATE: 2 hour school snow delay so both win I guess.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
My Space- Check It Out

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Sex vs. Fab
And come on are the ladies in Marrakesh?
Can they possibly be as funny as these ladies in Marrakesh? I doubt it. It's a tall order.
What do you think?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
A Little Blues

One of my favorite CD's to listen to over and over is Aretha Sings the Blues.
Here's a little Tuesday blues to brighten you day.
Oh and I'd like to welcome my lovely and oh so sweet Sister In Law, Audrey aka The Chaser to the blog world. Stop on over and see this phenomenal woman of god over here and give her a surprise hello. Don't forget to tell her I sent ya. Thanks!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Why You Should Always Check Your Face...proof
Friday, January 1, 2010
A Fresh Wish for 2010

A fresh year, a fresh decade to start all over again. And to say goodbye to the old crap that didn’t come to pass. I for one will fight to let those things go and work to embrace the new dreams of today.
The DD had a fine idea of going back to an old tradition that I had made up and forgotten about after we moved to the new house in the new town a few years ago. When the twins were small we always stayed in on New Year’s Eve and we’d blow up paper bags and make

It was a tough 2009 and it felt good to go back to the old family traditions and start the year on a fresh wish.
Cheers to you and wishing all our dreams come true this year.