Friday, November 28, 2008
I'm on a quest

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Give Thanks
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The biggest diva is...
Back to ALT, I would not miss this hot mess for the world. I’m sorry (no I’m not) It’s my guilty pleasure and I loved it.

The looks, the drama, the hair. How could I not? All the housewives were in rare form. NeNe was taking no crap and telling like it T-I-S.
On to Kim…So now we know Big Papa/Poppa is married and Kim says stay tuned. Should we keep our fingers crossed and watch just to see if he makes an appearance. Come on! Does somebody out there know who this guy is? And the Kim cancer thing was that all and act?
And I still say Sheree left NeNe off the party list intentionally.
And I loved Dwight with the long hair and the advice at the end. So all in all I guess he was the biggest diva.
I sure hope they come back for another season. Could it be next week please?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I love her fresh Grace Jones quality.
So who are you listening to?
Monday, November 24, 2008

What fresh hell is this?
Their cheeks gleaming, eyes shining bright. What was a mother to do, but pluck down her card and sign up for the full package?
So there we were on Sunday at year 14. Another year with more new sweaters from Old Navy, Me, The DH, The DD and The DS, a bunch of other parents and an army of screaming infant to 5 year olds. My gang kept looking at me and saying, is this it? This has to be the last year mom. We are not doing this next year. Eyes roll, heads shake. Even the DH agrees.
In a few short years they won’t be here to take these photos with me and all I’ll have is the hi-gloss techi-color sparkle in their eyes, the memory of these days of my forced tradition and maybe some Aretha Sings The Blues or Amy Winehouse and probably a bottle of wine. Sob.
How will I get them all back again next year. Bribery? I'm sure they will get hungry sometime.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
“Hey”, she says all sweet and innocent. “Why don’t you guys come on down the block? We’ve got our other buds here just having some grub and vino.”
Hmm, I think I’ve already had grub, but I could use some vino and I really like those other friends too, but I’ve got so much laundry to do and I’ve been out all day. I know I’ll just stop by with the DH for a few minutes- ½ hour tops.
4 hours later after much vino, more grub, music and merriment we roll back into our house.
I guess the holiday season had begun!
This one is for you friends.
Oh and TWILIGHT is done. Yeah, I have been bitten.
Friday, November 21, 2008
So Sleepy...
Alas I've been captured, drawn into the TWILIGHT web. I'm not done yet, only about 100 pages to go. My eyes would not stay open a minute past midnight last night. It was very funny as the girls in my DD's dance class flitted by and noticed what I was reading. There were opinions galore.
The movie is out today so I'd better get on it.
I can't imagine being anything but TEAM EDWARD. But who knows what happens in book two? I hear from the DD it's all about Jacob.
It's nuts for a 39 year old to be all TEAM EDWARD a 17 year old huh? Talk about Arrested Development. But hey, he's really over a century that's the way I'm choosing to see it.
On the upside at least the DD and I have something to talk about for two minutes in between teen/mom meltdowns. That's nice.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Top Dog

Then no big surprise the winner was the girl the bugged me all season McKey. I will give her credit though. She did have the best Cover Girl ad. Congrats.

In better news Top chef was back back and there was a guest judge Donatella such and such with tons of restaurants I didn't know. The quickfire was making a Top Chef hot dog. Huh? The chefs were freaking out. Asian dogs, Indian dogs, sushi dogs, Sausage dogs. Just give me a Nathans please.
I notice once again Radhika, the Indian chef who did not want to be type cast went for Indian. Ok and boy can she serve up the dirty looks. But dirty looks and all she wins the quickfire and gets immunity.
The elimination challenge : Create a 3 course new American lunch menu and everyone gets a section, appetizers, entrees and dessert. Chefs get crazy for a sec then split into groups after pretty boy Jeff pulls rank.
Fabio talks a lot during this show and the more it goes on the better he speaks. Is he playing us or am I just getting used to him. Hmm I must watch carefully. Last week he needed cards just to say his dish. What's up with that? Is he really from Italy or Hoboken?
Moving on, Jill is in the egg isle of Whole Foods and spots ostrich eggs. Why are they there and why is she crazy enough to buy them?
Back in the kitchen, Tom come in and announces the the restaurant that they will be cooking in is his and the diners are all all NY chefs that didn't make the cut for the show. Ouch, nice crowd. Way do deliver good news Tom. It doesn't matter though because it's Tom. Richard and I don't mind.
At CRAFT the teams pick their locations and start prep. Jamie serves up the attitude. Do I like her? Kinda. Yeah. I think she and Eugene may be my faves but I'm not sure. Give me a few more episodes.
Carla is worried about her crust, Fabio goes on about olives and Sweet Richard surprises me by not telling Ariane about her overly sweet dessert. Ohh playing dirty. Do I like him? Maybe?
Tom arrives in the kitchen and it's time for service.
Jamie's soup is good.
Hosea's crab-bad
Fabio-Beautiful. the food. not him. That's up for discussion.
Jill-ostrich quiche-glue
Eugene-open faced meatloaf- bad
Alex-pork tenderloin-no good
Radhika-Avocado mouse- bad
Daniel-pound cake- good
Ariane-lemon meringue- too sweet- Padma spits it out.
Richard-sandwich- after school snack
Carla- apple tart- good
Finally Tom tries everything and the chefs sweat it out.
Jamie, Fabio, Carla, - They were the tops. Fabio still needs to hear himself talk and decides to argue before the judges could say they liked his dish. Ugh. I can't stand him. Of course he's the winner and he's tied with Stefan. These two should pull out a ruler and just get it over with.

The bottom three were: Hosea, Jill and Ariane.
Poor Hosea is surprised to be there. Ariane is nonchalant and Jill is just spacey.
Jill has to pack her knives and go.
Night Runner
But the othe

But back to the show. What did you think of:
And did you see the preview for the reunion show? OMG! This makes me talk way too much. But little Lisa's talking about flipping Malibu Barbie Kim over the couch. Till next week.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I Gotta Have Faith

Monday, November 17, 2008
Still Tired
That's because I've done too much boogieing over the weekend. On Friday night I just about danced myself right out of my shoes with the DH. He wore his tux and I wore that dress.

It was an elegant affair. Lots of fun with old friends and tons of laughs and good music old and new. Yes, there was some organized dancing which I loathe and the DH forced me to participate. Ugh. He was really funny though, intent on messing me up during the cha-cha slide and had me cracking up as we ended up totally messing up the line. Frowns all around!
A fun night.

The rest of the weekend was filled with teen angst, tantrums and drama. Ugh. Somebody please save me? Can Calgon take me away to Mars for the next 3 years?
How was your weekend?
What's doing for the week?
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Sometimes it feels like everyday is Friday and Monday and Thursday and Saturday and Sunday for us SAHMs.
Whew. I need a nap or three or ten.

Have a wonderful weekend.
Take a little time for you (and me too), heck, all moms every where!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Back to Reality

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Un-Fashionably Late
Just call me Ms. Late To The Party, but I'm finally reading Twilight. I'm serious this tim

But really I need to see what the fuss is all about and get with the program. Wish me luck. I hope to come out sane on the other side.

Speaking of obsessions... I just finished another Elizabeth Hoyt. Yeah, I've got a problem. Admitting it is half the battle. This one was To Taste Temptation. The tension was high and it took a while for it to get really sexy, but when it did. Oh it did and well. I already know I'm fighting a losing battle with myself not to dash off to the bookstore for a least five minutes and get the next book in the series: To Seduce a Sinner. That darn Elizabeth's gone a set it up so well too with two character that I'm dying to see get together. Sigh. I'm in big trouble here.

P.S. Don't forget TOP CHEF tonight.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Oh Honey!

Monday, November 10, 2008
Monday Musings

Friday, November 7, 2008
Cheeseburger please
Today Thanks to Ondo Lady for sending me to The Selby for gorgeous peeks inside interesting folks everyday lives. While there I came across Mike and Jen.
Meat and Cheese by Mike and Jen aka Duotard video by The Selby from the selby on Vimeo.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tippy Top
I'm having a hard time coming down from my post election high. I doubt I will anytime soon or even want to thank you very much. I also have no idea how I'll ween myself off of msnbc. I'm totally stuck on Rachel Maddow now and I don't think I'll be giving her up or all my political talk because something awfully funny happened on the way down the road from Wasilla and who knows what will happen on the road back. I'm just saying.
Thank goodness I've got Top Chef Coming up next week. Order shall be restored to the land!
It was strange, I was almost surprised to be back to America's Next Top Model and whining Marjorie. Hmm.. but alas I'm back. Welcome home, me. For the life of me I could not figure out who got booted last week since I missed the show. These girls are just not that memorable this season. I thought long and hard and it dawned on me... Sheena! Bummer. The last model I may have had an interest in.
Oh well, that said after grueling go sees and a tough photo shoot with Ms. T herself, ousted this week ... spoiler ALERT... as if the pic didn't tell you was... Elina. Buh-bye 18 year old control freak. Man, I was as surprised as Tyra at that little revelation. Let your hair down girl. Life is way too short.

Now onto Top Design. Spoiler Alert...
Congrats to Nathan the surprise winner of Top Design. I would have thought that Preston had it hands down. But I'm happy it was Nathan and the judges picked a designer that steps out of the box.
I need some serious sleep.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A New Day!

Today my joy is almost immeasurable. A new day is truly dawning. When I cast my vote yesterday for Barack Obama I could not stop myself from grinning. The promise of America felt like it was being fulfilled and now it looks like it actually has.

The words "you can be anything you want, even the president someday," said to my Black children are no longer just words.
This country, much of it built literally on the backs of slaves, will now be lead by an African American. This is an amazing day. A great day. Dreams that I have for my children and possible grandchildren are now so much closer that I feel a can just reach out my hand and touch them.
There is a new standard of excellence. The bar has been raised to the highest point, not lowered or left at the same spot and I am so thankful for that. A CHANGE has come.

Go on out and help organize your community. It does a country good.
The work is just beginning and the healing starts with the children. The world is changing. For the better.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008
A Change is Coming
I'm feeling bankrupt of words today. Not a good thing for a writer. For some reason my ads were dropped from my blog. Bummer. Hmm... makes me wonder if I was a bit too political. That said I'm getting political again today. Oh well. If not now, when?
The only thing on my mind is the election, well that's not entirely true there is tons of other stuff in there, but this is taking up a huge chunk of mind space. Thank goodness there is only one more day to go.
I can't get over the whole long line thing in so many states. I've never experienced that here in NY so I really can't wrap my head around it. I mean why should it be so hard when for some reason we've got buying lotto tickets down to a science? Crazy. I just hope folks continue to stick it out and in the end its on the up and up.
And most importantly people vote with their heads and hearts and not judge by past prejudices. Change is good.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
It's countdown time. Tick tock. You know what to do.