I need to get my handyman on and bad. My darn screen on my back door is all a tatters, letting in all sorts of flying bugs and I’m just a magnet for them. I just know it's because I'm so sweet.

It’s bad enough that I have 2 angry looking welts on my shoulder where I was bitten my something (I think a bee) while doing planting over the weekend. I don’t need a bunch more mosquito bites to go along with them.
Eek. I’m getting all itchy just thinking about it and I'm highly allergic to the world.
Wish me luck. I’m sure Jack won’t be nearly as helpful as the dog in this pic. How funny is that?

Oh, hope you get your screen fixed...the dog does look rather handy...lol.
Have a good evening...without any more bites!
Cute visual...isn't there a 1-800 Handyman? Or can you take it to HomeDepot and they will re-screen it. I hate bug bites I stay itchy all summer.Good Luck!
To help w/the welts on your shoulder, mix alittle water and meat tenderizer to make a paste. That should help. I'm allergic to bee stings, and it's a helpful cure. Good Luck!
There must be something to that "sweet" thing. Bugs eat my dh up, but meanie me never gets bitten.
Seriously, sorry about the bug bites, hon. Hope you can get that screen fixed ASAP.
Kwana, this is probably one of those tasks that we think about endlessly, but really only takes us ten minutes.
Good luck and in the words of the Nike commercial--Just Do It! (and report on it!)
Good luck with the hammer and nails!
Our dog, Santana, hates to be left inside if anyone is outdoors. She loves running and playing around in the grass. One evening she came into the family room and looked outside through our sliding glass doors to see H out mowing the lawn. She was not having it. She took a running leap right through the screen door, and tore the entire thing - frame and all - right off the track!
Good luck with your repair! You'll be so proud when it's done.
The hardware store can fix this or Dave's Glass in Elmsford. The lady that works their is worthy of a blog post.....they can put a new screen in a jiffy! :)
I am a mass of mosquito bites, so I feel your pain. But replacing screen is really easy. I do it all the time, so I know you're capable of it!
I really want the t-shirt. LOL I have to close the patio doors enough so that Gracie Allen Golden Pup will not fly through the screen when she sees a bird...a squirrel... a...
You and I both need a handy man! I discovered thanks to having houseguests that I have a leak somewhere in my downstairs bathroom. When I went to wash the bath towels and stepped on the floor, it went "squish squish squish" --- not good!
Send that dog up here to help me too!! xoxo
It's strange in DC this year - more flies than mosquitoes. Usually I hardly ever see a house fly here. Luckily they're not like the house flies from central NY where I grew up - the DC ones are so slow!
I feel your pain Kwana! I just spent a small fortune and way too much time with the exterminator!
Ugh! Mosquitos are vicious in our area, too. I'm thinking about you and sending virtual "Off" your way, but I'd suggest using the real stuff, too. ;)
Cute picture! I call my dog Sam, the termite inspector because when anyone is doing repair work around the house, he's got to be right there, all up in the project, being a pain. I just think he really believes he's lending a hand.
eeek! No flying thingies please... Don't crack any nails okie!
Beautiful blog!
Thanks for all the comments. It all worked out. Um.... good enough. LOL.
Purple flowers. Thanks for the remedy!
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