photo Marie Claire
Now it’s time for the show stopper Top Chef!
The show opens and once again Jen is talking about doing it for Zoi. Ugh. Why do I want her to go home already?
The quick fire is a dessert challenge and the judge is Johnny Izinnu (no, I can’t spell his name). I can tell there are some scared chefs. If you don’t know a dessert then you’re done for. Silly Lisa actually said she swore she wouldn’t do a dessert during this show. What? Has she ever watched the show? Never say Never. Now I want her to go home. I loved that Dale said he had 1 dessert up his sleeve and he was breaking it out! But the winner was… Richard. Ugh. He gets in the Top Chef cookbook.
Now they are going out to Second City for a night on the town and some comedy. But wait it quickly turns bad and it’s the really scary elimination challenge based on horrible improve.
Dale and Richard-green perplexed tofu- They are talking curry and other cool stuff with free beef fat what sure has me
Lisa and Antonia- Magenta drunk polish sausage and Lisa is mad. They are doing something with tequila
Jen and Stephanie- Orange turned on asparagus
Marc and Nikki- Purple depressed bacon
Spike and Andrew- are Yellow Vanilla Love and when they left whole food I wasn’t sure what they were making. Something with squash soup and love without a blender. Because now there’s no electrical equipment. Twister.
The guests arrive at the chef house and Spike and Andrew are first up with vanilla love squash soup and everyone is really loving it.
Jen is obviously missing Zoi a lot because first she’s talking threesomes she and Stephanie and doing a whole skit that’s a little, um, icky and so is the dish.
Dale and Richard came out with their perplexed food and the judges weren’t perplexed. They liked it.
Antonia and Lisa and their drunken sausage fell flat. They seem to hate their suggestion and it showed in their presentation.
Mark and Nikki come out with purple depressed bacon and it’s good, proving once again that all things are better with bacon.
Now for the top chefs. They are Dale and Richard and Spike and Andrew. What?
The winning team is dale and Richard and they each get 2500.00 work of Caphelon. These guys are now rockin’.
Bottom two are Antonia and Lisa and Stephanie and Jen.
Not doing Polish sausage was a killer for them and Jen and Stephanie that Goat cheese was the killer for them plus the while crazy phallic thing. Stephanie run from Jen as fast as you can never partner with her again. She misses her girlfriend too much!
Now back to the Not So Glad room and the girls are scared as hell. Strangely so am I.
Here goes… And it’s Jen that goes home! Wow! I know I wanted her to go but I can’t believe it’s her before Lisa or Nikki or OMG. Spike!!!!!
Oh well. She’s not doing it for Zoi anymore and now and I’m sad.
So did any of you get to watch the reunion show of the Not So Real Housewives of New York City? What a trip it was! Once again Ramona was just nutty, staying true to form and even walking off the stage without a word when Simon was there and talk came up about Alex's nude photos. That Alex and Simon are just so delusional about the world and themselves that its a mess.
At least the other women could admit that the show really did show them as they truly were. These two would not admit a thing. My favorite line came from Ms. Bethany when she called Alex, "All show and No go." That was perfect.
I still think Jill is the best and wonder if they will have the guts to all come back for another season. I hope they will but I have a feeling that Alex and Simon may be breaking out on their on if the others don't come back or even if they do. Those two social climbers will want their own show. Simon is such a Diva!
So I'm back from New England and the NEC Romance Writers of America Conference. The theme of the conference was: Come to the edge. What a fun and inspirational weekend it was! I got to meet my fab agent, Elaine Spencer, for the first time face to face! It was like meeting your old pen pal from Zimbabwe except in our case it's been all emails with the occasional telephone call sprinkled in. I'm happy to say it was a wonderful meeting and Elaine agreed to be interviewed here. So stop back tomorrow for more details. Yay! There was a breakfast keynote speech with Susan Wiggs on the writing life and on Saturday Suzanne Brockmann gave a talk about going deeper with your characters that rocked the room. I also really enjoyed a deep POV workshop with author Virginia Kantra which I so needed for my work and many other helpful workshops. Thanks NEC!
But you know the truth, this weekend is mostly about making connections with old and new friends. Check it out:
Here I am with my New York buddies in our black dresses. There's Megan my PIC in her stunning vintage Geoffrey Beene on the left and on the right is Elizabeth my NYC chapter Pres. in a gorgeous black dress with the coolest back that you can't see, sorry.
So I'm off to New England for the NEC Romance Writers Conference. I can't wait to see old and new friends and to meet my Fab Agent along with some of my other Agency Sistahs. It should be a fun weekend full of inspirational workshops and lots of ideas. I love just love romance writer's conferences! Any place where I can freely bond over Mr. Darcy is fine by me.
So what's up for your weekend? I hope it's Happy.
P.S.- What did you think of the merge on Survivor last night? I'm going to be so mad if Ozzy wins this thing!
P.P.S. Wanna see something funny? Check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piKQsnZl7I0