Thursday, February 26, 2009

What's Your Number?

What's Jack up to? Right now Jack chilling, soundly asleep, as if he spent all day working ever so hard. Oh a dogs life. If only we all had it as good as Jack.

So I'm at knitting and posed this question: "Would you tell your husband your number?" No, not that number. I know where your minds are going. Your weight. Your REAL weight. Just hopped off the scale that minute weight.

Well, there are 5 of us in knitting and I was shocked. SHOCKED. That 3 of the woman said, "sure why not?" They would tell their husbands their weight. And, yeah ,they are all in great shape. But still. Wow. Only one other woman was with me with the No Way. It doesn't matter that we have complete opposite backgrounds. I call her my twin separated at birth. She's Jill and I'm NeNe.

This all came about with the whole Lent giving up sugar thing (BTW day 1 was tough) and the DH is giving up red meat. He thought that we should weigh ourselves. Now of course I know my weight. I have my scale. Go to WW. I pretty much know my weight daily. He's a man he doesn't think of these things much. So I was like fine. I go weight myself and clam up.

The DH asks am I going to tell him. I'm like, "Uh, no." Are you going to tell me. He's like, " sure." I said, "great."He tells. I don't.

Some things just don't need to be said. Now, I'm a tall woman just about the same height as my DH, but nobody wants to be too close in weight to their hubby not unless their nickname is Octomom and they are still pregnant.

I think that most men have a false ideal of what a woman should weigh and if they hear a number of say over 150-160 (ha what I would gave for that) they think it's too large. No matter the actual size or body type. What do you think?

So a little survey today. Would you tell your number?



Leciawp said...

I don't weigh myself regularly; I just gauge by how my clothes fit. I wouldn't print my weight on a blog, but would tell you in person. I've had to have my weight publicly announced lots of times with many past medical things so I'm kinda used to it, for better or worse :)

Formerly known as Frau said...

No, no no I would never tell!

Joyce said...

In the past I would never tell my love, but like Lecia says with medical issues it doesn't matter (and I'm not a size 0).

Let me just midly say the scale number wasn't the only thing exposed to my love and the whole medical team including the cleaning people!!

pve design said...

No problem, just think of it as more to love!
Remember, muscle weighs more than fat.

sula said...

yeah, I'd tell. But my fiance isn't so great with the numbers because he's not american and is un-familiar with pounds. A kilo measurement would mean more to him. lol.

That said, I weigh every morning and have since hitting the maintenance phase of WW. I find that when I don't, I tend to get sloppy with my eating habits and would rather nip things in the bud earlier rather than later.

You might consider taking measurements as well and watching those decrease because sometimes that happens quicker than the numbers on the scale. Specially when you're gaining muscle.

you go girl! :)

heidi said...

To quote Cartman from Southpark: "...i'm not fat, I'm big-boned."
Yeah, I would tell hubby my weight. Whenever I complain about my phat soufflé twin skin belly, he says a slew of things like: "but you gave birth to all 3 of my babies, and that makes you more beautiful than ever..." blahblahblah. ;-)

Kristen Painter said...

Hotrod and I talk about what we weigh every morning after we weigh in. We're both trying to lose so we know the number is temporary. It's no big.

Gigi said...

I talk about it pretty regularly. I'm hoping that some day soon it becomes just a number.

Wendy Toliver said...

My husband knows how much I weigh anyhow (he's really good at guessing people's weights)so sure, I'd tell him.

Megan Frampton said...

Yeah, I tell him. We started dating when I weighed a lot more than him, so it's not a big deal to us.

Ina in Alaska said...

My number and Ron's are posted in dry erase marker on our bathroom mirror. We do this as a weight loss tool. Date and Weight .. very effective.....

Also I love the free app for iPhone "Lose It" very effective!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kwana!

Great post! I have no problems sharing my weight with my hubby (or anyone else for that matter, and I'm not all that small) His mom has struggled with obesity her entire life and his dad is a personal trainer, so he has a realistic idea of "numbers". We both hop on WiiFit together or go to the gym together almost every day, so we're very involved in one another's fitness goals and weaknesses. It can be a bit frustrating though when we do the same amount of work and eat the same foods and he loses 3 pounds and I gain 2! LOL!

Kwana said...

You all are some cool secure women. Go you! Keep the comments coming.

Jax Cassidy said...

I'm don't mind telling my weight but I think it's because I'm blessed with being a skinny shrimp. Doesn't mean I don't need to get in shape, that's another story. I can see the need to keep it to yourself when you're on a mission to get back to the weight you feel is right for you. It's like the age thing. :)

Kwana said...

Jax thanks for being so honest. I think you hit the nail on the head with a lot of points.

###### said...

I could care less..the man has seen me give birth if I know my weight....I share it with him to. I dont check it unless I go to the doctor. But he can tell my weight just by grabbing the back side..thats my scale.

T.Allen said...

I used to, but I've gained some weight recently that I'm self conscious about so-no, not until I'm back in my comfort zone. Oddly enough ny husband is a very big guy and not only does he share his weight but he flashes his belly and laughs about it. Women are just well, y'know...women-like when it comes to weighty matters.

Debra said...

This is all interesting to me. Remember a few years ago "they" said don't weigh yourself- it's dangerous! Then I visited a Dr. about a year ago and he said... weigh yourself every other day. This way it keeps you on track and things don't get out of hand if you weigh regularly. So, that's what I do. Share it? I'm with Lecia-not on my blog but in person. So, you're all invited for coffee anytime.

Louisa Edwards said...

My husband and I talk about it every day. We're on a diet together (although aimed at different things, so it's a juggling act sometimes) and we obsessively weigh in every day and discuss the tenths of a pound up or down. I'm not sure it's all that healthy for our weight loss, but it's probably a good sign for our relationship. Right?

katiedid said...

Yes...I'd tell...but only cuz my husband is 6'2" and weighs lots more than I do. He would not have a clear perspective on what a woman should weigh. And I am really not overweight (although I wouln't mind dropping...say, ten lbs.)

Amanda McCabe/Amanda Carmack/Laurel McKee said...

Nuh-uh! Maybe if I'd been married to someone 50 years and we'd seen it all, but not now as a single-dating woman. :) (plus I am short, and my weight goes up and down easily. Maybe I'd tell my "skinny-ish" weight, but not the "just after Christmas pig-outs" weight)

Mary-Laure said...

I don't even tell MYSELF my weight! I never weigh myself. Yeah, really.

Natalie Hatch said...

Hubby knows my weight, always has, we don't stress out about it. I think it might be my culture though, most Aussies don't really freak out too much (except when we get on there and it's not what we thought it was... had that happen a few times).
I've been running lately and the fat is coming off but I haven't shed any kilos which is a pain.

Eileen said...

Hey twin!!! You know my take. I don't think I even know my weight any more. I threw out the scale years ago when in put me in a funk. I just measure myself now. My hubby will never know my weight. Only my doctors know the truth. This year I went from a size 8-10 to a 6 and in size and I still won't tell. That number just puts me in a bad mood. If the number is a little higher at times I don't need my husband saying to me " do you really need to eat that". Of course he is a skinny minnie and eats whatever he wants.

Brown Girl Gumbo said...

Yes, I would definitely tell my husband my number. He loves my body and actually wishes that I would put on more weight, but I doubt he REALLY wants that. LOL!!

The Girl You Used to Know said...

he knows my number. I have nothing to hide...

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...



Diva Style said...

I absolutely have told, but it depends on the situation, who/what/ know the deal, lol. :-)

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