My mind is cluttered with strange things that it probably should not be, but, well, it is. And here is one of them that's a bit old but still stuck with me especially since I'm off the sugar and white products for Lent. Honestly at this point I'd give my pinky toe for a decent diner grilled cheese with bacon on good old white bread with a big side of fries. Oh be still my heart.
Stop, Kwana, that's not the story. Breath. This is the story. Did you hear about the woman who called 911 because McDonald's didn't have her McNuggets and wouldn't refund her money?

Well, a woman goes into McDonald's orders a 10 piece nuggets they take her money and then tell her they are out of the nuggets and she can have something else. She asks for her money back and they refuse to give it saying all sales are final. What's with that? That sounds like robbery to me.
Now you know when you've got your mind set on something in particular you want that thing. Nothing else will do. Like, I want a grilled cheese on White bread with bacon right now. Not on whole grain with fat free cheese. And if you get me on the wrong day I may have to call 911 on you if you don't give me my money back.
It turns out the woman was given a summons for abusing the 911 system for calling 3 times. She says she called back to get the address correct. I say the restaurant was at fault for not refunding her money. Worse for taking it in the first place and giving her false Nugget hope.
Turns out McDonald's has sent her a bunch of coupons and are now offering a refund. I say they owe her a lot more than that. You don't go messing with a lady when she's got food on her mind.
So...under normal circumstances, I would classify this as foolishness. You know the whole calling 911 etc., but I can't lie-when I am hungry all rationale and reasoning cease. They would have been calling the people on me, but for apple pies...I don't partake of the processed yard bird.
I agree when you mind is set on a food there is no turning back! But call Ronald McDonald not 911.
Really, what rock do I live under. Is this for real.
Firstly, the calling 911 is a bit irrational. It is a McWonder no body was hurt, over nuggets, or lack thereof.
But hey,mckudo's to you for making this sacrifice of no white flour, or sugar. You are doing great.
I totally get where she's coming from. 911 is the wrong place to call, but the frustration leads you to do drastic things.
You crack me up! You are doing so well- how did you resist P's cake? I want a piece of THAT for breakfast.
Whatever happened to- the customer is always right?
Ha! I'm laughing out loud! And I can relate to that sandwich you want. I've given up caffeine, sugar, and now white flour and processed grains. Next week it's dairy, then meat after that. But I think I'll hang onto my picky toe. ;)
What are you feeling/noticing on your fast?
Hi Deidra,
I will admit to slipping a couple of times. I'm feeling very tired. My weight is going up and down. I'm headacy which is normal for me with the migraines. I'm not a happy camper. I'm also hungry and unsatisfied every night when I go to bed which is probably why I'm not sleeping well. Way to be positve huh?
How are you doing? You're giving up a lot.
LOL... especially a woman who is craving something either salty or chocolate! I agree with Frau..
Have a golden weekend my friend! xoxo
That woman was whacked. I'm sorry, but calling 911 over McNuggets? That's insane.
McDonald's McManager should be McFired!!!!! That lady did not deserve what she got. The You Tube was pretty entertaining, tho!!
I hear you all that it's nutty to call 911 over nuggets but I'm sure she was feeling very wronged. She could have been menopausal or going through PMS and needed the salt and fat and it made her crazy. The Manager should be reprimanded for being so messed up. I won't say fired because times are tough and she was just ridonkulous. The police should have also been smart enough to see that the woman was clearly wronged in this situation and demanded that she got her money back since she didn't get what she paid for.
Well written Kwana!! I had not heard about that incident. Good for you for observing Lent in a meaningful way. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. xoxo
OMG. I can't help laughing at how absurd that was. 911 is used for EMERGENCY situations and her insane call may have prevented someone who needed immediate assistance from reaching an operator--all for McNuggets!!!! Some people are crazy! And what's up with McDonald's that they don't issue refunds...**Jax shakes head**
What is this world coming to?
I thought this was a joke when I first heard it! She shouldn't have called 911, but honestly, I can see her frustration in not being given a refund. Hello? What was the manager thinking?
giving her false mcnugget hopes! too funny! but you know - she was right really - why wouldn't they return her money? they were sooo wrong, I would have flipped out too. She sounded very calm too. Just don't call 911 next time. too funny.
Thanks kwana for the comment - I love to see your smiling face!!!! your smile is infectious.
You know I meant pinky toe - not picky toe - right? I haven't figured out what my picky toe is. I'm sure I have one, though. One that prefers pink toe polish over red.
Email me sometime and we can talk more about this fasting thing if you'd like:
Have a blessed and peaceful weekend!
Hilarous, yes, but way over the top! Truth is stranger than.....
Ha ha! I saw the headline but couldn't be bothered to click on it - thanks for the synopsis!
I just finished reading another one of those anti-meat books which inevitably have me feeling like crap for indulging in the occasional whopper and I've been off of animal flesh (and onto Special K for breakfast/lunch and lentils for dinner... yum!) for about a week now. I'm going nuts. No telling what I'm capable of...
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