What's Jack up to? Jack is doing his Monday chill (not that he didn't chill the entire weekend). He's all spruced up after getting a quick grooming on Sunday afternoon so he's nice and clean and has a fresh new haircut. What more could a dog want?
Lately, I've been in a strange head space that I don't like at all. Cluttered, crowded and filled with all sorts of things and none of it what I really want. Lots if it putting little and sometimes big roadblocks in the path on the way to my dreams. Quite a bit of it all just necessary parts of life.
But I have to wonder if some of it is just plain old fear. Fear, the ultimate life blocker. Freaking fear and his sister worry, they both suck and hang over at my place like annoying relatives that don't know when they've overstayed their welcome.
I saw this video of Elizabeth Gilbert author of Eat, Pray, Love, which I loved, a while back and shared it with friends. I recently watched it again over at the blog Make Under My Life and was once again moved so wanted to share to here.
Happy Monday! I've got some work to do and some folks to send packing. How about you?
Lately, I've been in a strange head space that I don't like at all. Cluttered, crowded and filled with all sorts of things and none of it what I really want. Lots if it putting little and sometimes big roadblocks in the path on the way to my dreams. Quite a bit of it all just necessary parts of life.
But I have to wonder if some of it is just plain old fear. Fear, the ultimate life blocker. Freaking fear and his sister worry, they both suck and hang over at my place like annoying relatives that don't know when they've overstayed their welcome.
I saw this video of Elizabeth Gilbert author of Eat, Pray, Love, which I loved, a while back and shared it with friends. I recently watched it again over at the blog Make Under My Life and was once again moved so wanted to share to here.
Happy Monday! I've got some work to do and some folks to send packing. How about you?
Thanks for sharing that clip this morning. I needed to be reminded: But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.
Monday is my day off and today it's cold and rainy. Hopefully that means my day will end with clean clothes, vacuumed floors, and a few chapters read. Enjoy your day!
Wow, that was really good. I'm so glad you posted that! It's really timely for me since a friend and I were just discussing her book.
Thanks for sharing the clip.
Today is a slightly full schedule. I would like to put in a couple of hours, but not sure if that will happen. I have an appointment with a senior neighbor, in the afternooon with my CASA boy in between some errands and running around. xoxo
My Monday includes a lot of catching up and revving up for the week. Hope things clear up for you soon, Kwana...hope you have an excellent week!
Funny how we think alike. I just blogged today about Motivation & Fear at www.hookedonromance.blogspot.com
I've been wanting to read that book for a while now...I must read it.
Wow!!! I watched the ENTIRE clip! Thank you so much for sharing, I love listening to writers, you've inspired me.
Fear is the great unmotivator (if there is such a word!)... at least to me. Sorry you're feeling that way - I am too. It's part of the reason for my Artist's Way book study, to try and unlock that. I enjoyed the video too... thanks for sharing it.
Blegh. Hope your week improves!
Love the Jack photo & update, as ever!
Awesome. Exactly what I needed to see on this monday, under the pile, where I'm sitting :-)
One artist told me, "It's what I do" when I asked how she accomplished so much work! Back to work for me, to the drawing board.
Thanks for sharing, dear.
1. We love Jack!!!
2. Hang in there, Kwana!! We love you too!!
Jack, we love you!
Thanks for all the kind comment. I'm pushing forward letting the work work.
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