I love Romance Books! No big secret to my regular readers there. So last night I was thrilled to attend the 3rd Lady Jane’s Salon. Check out the site here. The only Literary Reading Series in New York devoted to the romance genre. Last night’s readers were: Alisa Sheckley aka Alisa Kwitney (and my new friend) reading from her book The Better To Hold You.

Also reading was one of the founders of Lady Jane, Maya Rodale along with her Delightful boyfriend with the devilish accent from her book The Rogue and the Rival. What a sweet pair they are.
The Salon was co-hosted by the fabulous Sarah Wendell from Smart Bitches Trashy Books, check it out here and she brought down the house reading from her and co author Candy Tan’s soon to be released book Beyond Heaving Bosoms: The Smart Bitches’ Guide To Romance Novels.

I was lucky enough to snag a copy for my very own. With Chapters entitled:
Cleavage, Corset, Codpiece and Love Grotto the book will not disappoint.
Cleavage, Corset, Codpiece and Love Grotto the book will not disappoint.
Here is the synopsis:
The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name...
We do it in the dark. Under the sheets. With a penlight. We wear sunglasses and a baseball hat at the bookstore. We have a "special place" where we store them. Let's face it: Not many folks are willing to publicly admit they love romance novels. Meanwhile, romance continues to be the bestselling fiction genre. Ever. So what's with all the shame?
Sarah Wendell and Candy Tan -- the creators of the wildly popular blog Smart Bitches, Trashy Books -- have no shame! They look at the good, the bad, and the ugly in the world of romance novels and tackle the hard issues and questions:
-- The heroine's irresistible Magic Hoo Hoo and the hero's untamable Wang of Mighty Lovin'
-- Sexual trends. Simultaneous orgasms. Hymens. And is anal really the new oral?
-- Romance novel cover requirements: man titty, camel toe, flowers, long hair, animals, and the O-face
-- Are romance novels really candy-coated porn or vehicles by which we understand our sexual and gender politics?
With insider advice for writing romances, fun games to discover your inner Viking warrior, and interviews with famous romance authors, Beyond Heaving Bosoms shows that while some romance novels are silly -- maybe even tawdry -- they can also be intelligent, savvy, feminist, and fabulous, just like their readers!
It does look at the bad and the ugly of the romance and celebrates it and its very smart readers for the powerhouse that it and we are!

Funnily enough on the drive from to the city I was listening to Whatever the radio talk show on the Martha Stewart channel and the talk was about a woman losing intimate interest in her husband after being with him for 10 years. A therapist came on and her easy suggestion was to read romance. Seriously hot romance. Because as we all know with women it all start in the head before action moves to other parts of the body. I'm just saying.

Order Beyond Heaving Bosoms then and pick up a good romance today. You won’t be sorry.
Perhaps a choice read for our next book group!
I have a friend, she and her husband read in bed to one another. I think this may be just the book to have on the bedside table.
So glad you were able to meet some "bosom buddies" and to attend that event last night! You always look so in your element with the writers!
...wish I had more time to read more books...I used to love Jakie Collins & Sidney Sheldon's...I used to hide the covers them nice wrapping paper shhh...! My dad hated them... ;(
That sounds like a FUN EVENING! How lucky you are to be in the center of these happening books! I must go to Barnes and Noble and find these must-haves! Have a great day! Anita
ohhhh spicy.....will have to try....:)
That must have been such a great evening for you. I adore reading in bed. Lucky for me, so does my husband!
The excerpt Sara read from her book had me almost peeing my pants it was freaken hilarious!
Sounds like an awesome gathering:) I'm jealous!
Kwana, that photo of the two of you is just great. Look at those smiles. I'm reading the The Bosom right now.
I must have that book!
Kwana, your smiling face was much appreciated at last night's Salon. Sara Wendell was a total hoot, the perfect guest emcee. And our author readers, Alisa Kwitney and Lady Jane co-founder Maya Rodale (reading her sexy snippets with EBF --English Boyfriend, Tony) rocked the house, or at least the upstairs bar. And the Romantic Times folks were once more out in force covering the event for the magazine's blog. I had the *best-est* time, which is saying a lot when you're one of the organizers.
Next month, Monday, May 4th, 7-9 at Madame X. May is also the host month for Book Expo America America, so we'll be packing in the out-of-towners in as well! Promises to be a blast. :)
What a fabulous night! Great friends, great drinks, and great reads. Maya's man should definitely look into a career in audio books! Judging by the crowd last night, this is exactly what Manhattan needs and wants. And the fans of Lady Jane's extend past NYC proper; like me who comes from Putnam County, and you-a Westchester Woman! Long live Lady Jane's Salon; a fabulous idea for for a wonderful cause.
Hi Kwana! Checking in to wish you, your family and of course Jack a Happy Easter!! xoxo
Ha! I haven't given the genre a go, unless you count "teenage vampire young adult fiction", but this looks fantastic, How fun.
Sorry I missed it! Thanks for filling me in!
OK, so picture this, I'm reading along through Kwana's spirited and fun recap of the night's event and then I hit the line, "is anal the new oral" and OMG, I guffawed, and spit my life-saver out and it bounced right off my screen. Sounds like a most hysterically great event and color me sorry to have missed it, BUT rushing out to get the latest titles so I can, at least vicariously, taste the thrill.
Sounds like a great fun evening -
I couldn't survive without books - a regular read is an absolute necessity for me :)
Alisa Kwitney's ON THE COUCH was among my favourite chick lit novels back in the day. I'd heard she was doing paranormal romance these days. Fun.
Can't wait for my copy of Heaving Bosoms to arrive. Also the smart bitches are blogging on drunk writer talk next week. Yippee!
I love a good romance book. What a fun night to be with a room of peeps who share the same kind of love for books. xoxo
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