Hi All. Thursday already? How did that happen? Not too many words today. There's nothing too exciting going on lately (Costco, doctor, teen shoe shopping, KFC) so I thought I'd better save any stray word that happens to flutter by for my current WIP and not bore you. The Mood still lingers but no biggie. I'm sure with warmer weather will come a warmer mood. See there is some of nice old optimism for ya. Grin.
Just to keep the moody theme going I thought I'd share one of my favorite songs for a blue mood. Aretha Franklin singing Drinking Again. Makes you just want to sit at a table with a bottle and a smoke, no matter if you're dry as a bone and never lit up in your life! Enjoy.
Have a great day. Make it sunny no matter the weather. I'm sure gonna try.
A Week of Outfits: Kate Lindello
23 hours ago
I am never ever bored here! Thanks for the music.
Ditto what Deidra said:)
Have a great day and here's to a sunny....warmer...day :-)
I agree this week flew by!! I've never heard this song before. Thanks for sharing! :-)
Her voice? Gives me goosebumps.
I think it is going to be an Aretha day on my imusic.
I've never heard that one before!
Yes dear...tmwr will be TGIF...again!!! So fast I know!
Warm XO to you...
Great song thanks for sharing! I hope the sun shines on you soon.
Nice. I am on a moody kick today but the wave is over. :)
I love Aretha if anything she will get you up on your feet dancing! xoxo...
I love, love, love Aretha..!!!
Thanks for sharing :)
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