Well, I'm not sure how hers does, but I know mine does on a wing a a prayer. Shrug.

I did a little planting over the DIY weekend along the little patch of dirt in front of my stone wall out back.
I planted 3 tomato plants, some peppers then went crazy with seed packets.
Now I've never planted seeds before so who knows what will happen. I've got squash, 2 kinds, cucumber, more peppers and more lettuce, 2 kinds. Yikes. That darn groundhog will have a field day!
Now I just have to tackle above the wall. Hmm...
What are you planting this season? Anything?
Oh what a pretty patio setting. I think your plants will turn out great. One summer we grew lettuce and it was wonderful. I never bought lettuce that summer, and had such a sense of accomplishment that our salads were from our own garden. We also were successful with tomatos. This year I will get some box roses and see how they do.
Okay, now I'm so inspired. We have about the same amount of gardening space, so I'll just wait it out and see what happens to you. Good luck girl...I'm rooting for us...um, I mean, You!!!!
I also wish I had the natural green thumb!! Can't wait to see the fruits of your efforts.
(Does planting an idea for a summer vacation count?)
As for the garden, some herbs, beans, tomato's and my strawberries came back! I am also wanting to plant a "Hydrangea!" I love that Blue.
Great work!
can the send the wild bunnies from my yard to your yard?? We have NOTHING planted yet ;-)
Basil, tomatoes, sweet red peppers. That's more than I have room for actually.
Herbs, lots of herbs! Our soil isn't great for veggies in the only available space, so we buy at the Farmer's market all summer and fall. But I have lots of window boxes to plant.
I love the area you have planted- against the stone- stunning little garden spot
I love that stone wall! Hope all your seeds take and you have some yummy vegetables soon;)
I'm s impressed with my spring bulbs (when I planted them last Fall, I never expected them to actually grow) that I went a little crazy at the plant store and now have a new hedge of forsythia (sp?), oodles of geraniums, and some other bulb with a pretty purple plant on the package that reminds me of an English garden. As soon as I can tear myself away from the computer, I will get to the garden:)
I'm all set to plant in the sping but I fizzle out during the summer taking care of what ever it is I planted - so for that reason I've stop planting/and killing.
However each year I say I'm going to plant a tomato plant in a movable pot and put it on the deck. I love fresh tomatoes. Well see if that happens this year. Anyone want to bet on the outcome?
I wish I lived in house where I could plant beautiful blooms. Too bad, the closest thing to a garden that I have is a patch of grass sprouting through the concrete! LOL
My mom just planted some rosebuds back in Chicago. I can't wait to see them bloom! I love flowers!
How do you deal with deer? We have that issue, and Husband wants to plant NOTHING. I want my veggie garden!
Love all the comments. So many gardeners and want to be gardeners. I'm really no good at all. This is all just hopeful. VERY hopeful.
Ellen I'm not sure about the deer. Had the same fight with my DH. he said plant nothing. We planted collard greens last year and right before we were ready to pick then either a deer or a groundhog. I think groundhog since he had been lurking got to them. Other vegetables like the tomatoes were fine though so give it a try if you want. The deer come with or without veggies. I've had them in my back yard a few times this winter.
Sarah I planted some forsythia in my front yard this year. Can't wait to see how they take.
Sheryl plant the tomatoes. Go for it. I'm betting they do well.
I see life! Cute. Hope fall produces a bounty crop for you!
Ooooh, I'm excited to see what it will look like once they all are pregnant with fruits! That is way awesome!
I am trying more vegetables this year! (had a few tomatoes and some cucumbers last year, as an experiment--they did really well, yay) So--more tomatoes, some peppers, some herbs, maybe zuchini...
What a cute place for planting! That's a beautiful stone wall.
I've got a black thumb, so I pay others to plant for me. My fruit trees out back are my favorite! Just starting to bud out.
I'm sure you'll have a great time harvesting your veggies. I live with woods in my back yard. I'm not so brave to plant a vegetable garden because of all the deer and critters here. I did have success with some deer resistant flowers. I planted the bulbs 2 autumns ago and I love to watch them shoot up every spring. I ordered some of those "topsy turvey" tomato plants. I have a sunny upper deck where the deer can't roam to hang them from. I'll let you know how it turns out. I'd love to pick my own tomatoes. I understand they make cucumbers and peppers, too. If the tomatoes work out, I'll try the others,
Hi Kwana!
Oh, I love your garden. It is so lovely... I'm so fond of stone walls.
I'm waiting for construction to finish on my house so I can start re-establishing my vegetable garden and fixing up my perennial garden. I think my vegetable garden will get started a bit late this year, so I'll be simple and just buy established tomato transplants in early June, I think. Plenty of basil, scallions, parsley... and hopefully I'll grow some green beans from seed and a cucumber plant or two. And of course one hot pepper plant so I can make salsa! Okay... so maybe my plan isn't so simple after all. LOL!
Happy gardening! :)
Oh! And how could I forget? No garden is complete without ONE zucchini plant that'll provide for the whole neighborhood! I swear you can literally watch those things grow on the vines! ;)
Love your stacked stone walls Kwana! The best of luck with your veggies, great choices. We are 'drowning' in potatoes at the moment as MOTH kept planting them in tubs down our old tennis court & then prompltly forgot about them! I've just picked the last of our basil, as it's almost Winter here Down Under & it's freezing cold.
Millie ^_^
I'm loving it!
I was at the nursery the other day and will have to wait till after mother's day to plant. I'm hoping to get a tiny butterfly garden going and my herb garden. I usually plant pineage sage, dill, sage, basil, oregano and mint. Rhubarb and tomatoes. With all the rain we have been having I still need to get out back to do spring cleaing. EEKS... xoxo
My youngest son planted cantalopes, squash, carrots, green onions, strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes... and some flowers... LOVE this time of year!
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