Happy Sunday! What's Jack up to? Jack was up bright and early although no one else was. He was ready to go and enjoy the crazy warm weather in NY.

The DH and I were wiped out from our little DIY project yesterday of weather proofing our deck. Honestly, he did most of the work. As you can see from the above pic Jack did none. Brushing weatherproof on all those slats take a lot of time.

Now I know why people pay the big buck to get it done by someone and yes, it did take extra trips back to Home Depot because we didn't buy nearly enough. Ugh. 

Oh well, in the end, it was a job well done and money well saved.

Today it's onto garden work. Spring is here even though the thermometer says summer. Whew, slow it down Mother Nature.
Have a great day!
I want your dog. You taunt me by posting picture of him.
Nice deck :D
He's so adorable! Great doggy personality!!
Every job needs a manager and I guess Jack decide on taking this role!
Great job on the deck. Now you have extra $$ to buy yourself something special. I so want to get our backyard cleaned but it has been raining... xoox
When we weather proofed our fence we started with brushes. I'm sure we'd still be there if we kept on with that route.
So then we got the great idea to use a presurized weed sprayer (it was new). Work GREAT until my husband decided to open it up without letting out the pressure first. He got that stuff everywhere - in his face, eyes and up his nose. He was very fortunate that it did no damage.
You know come to think of it, he hasn't had a cold sense. Maybe that's what we need to do, coat the inside of our nose *grin*.
Edward tells me that Jack's job is to provide emotional support only.
Jack is soooooooo cute!!!
love Jack! congrats on a most productive weekend Kwana - I'm impressed!
It is a great feeling of accomplishment to complete such a task, being supervised by Jack! Tis the season for yardwork!! Looks nice!
Girl if you have any gardening tips you have to share. I have a little plot of land that I've designated for a small veggie garden. Unfortunately, I haven't a clue where to start or what to do, but I have to at least try. Any tips send my way.
What a sweet blog, enjoy your Spring.
It always feels good to do a project yourself, doesn't it? Can't wait to see what you do with the garden:)
"A couple that works together stays together!"
Glad that the two of you worked it out on the deck this past weekend. You did pick a perfect weekend to enjoy outdoors. Jack looks like a good foreman.
You all are too good to Jack. Glad you like the deck.
Looks great and Jack is beautiful!
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