What’s Jack up to? Jack is recuperating from his exciting Easter celebrations. What a day he had!
While we were at church I had the foresight to move the plate of chocolates off the kitchen table but left the hard boiled eggs surely they were safe. Not.
While we were at church I had the foresight to move the plate of chocolates off the kitchen table but left the hard boiled eggs surely they were safe. Not.
We get home a few hours later to terrible eggy smell. Jack had climbed on the table took a couple of eggs and, I kid you not, peeled them, and ate the eggs. He left the peelings on the couch. What is with that dog? I swear to you, one of the eggs he ate was the one I made for him that said “Good Dog” and had his little drawing. Jokes on me!

Then on the way down to Harlem and Nana’s house “she just had to have him over for Easter.” He would not sit on my lap. Whining and crying. Would not stop. I wondered why.
Then on the way down to Harlem and Nana’s house “she just had to have him over for Easter.” He would not sit on my lap. Whining and crying. Would not stop. I wondered why.
My DH said let him go.
What? Why?
Just let him go.
Just let him go.
Spoiled dog. This is why I can’t do a thing with him.
Note. When he’s with me, he’s much more well behaved (sort of). I do not condone this bad behavior at all.
At Nana's he ate anything and everything. Knocked over suspicious drinks and lapped them up. Did the dog come home drunk off daiquiris? I don't know. Just crazy. Well, Jack had quite a time.
I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I could gripe like crazy about all the mishaps with mine but why? I'll save it for a rainy day. Or not.
Cute! Is the seatbelt on? Just be careful dear...as long as you aren't doing your manicure/pedicure while driving ;)
I just love the tails of Jack. He seems to have quite the personality.
Gotta love that Jack!
That Jack~ I suspect he didn't like being left behind and decided to have a little Easter brunch for himself.
That's the DH driving. His seatbelt is on. I'm in the passenger seat where Jack would not sit with me. The Traitor! He only has me to deal with this week. Hmph.
I find it so hard to drive with a dog in the car though makes me crazy.
Oh, that Jack is too cute!
LOL, Kwana! Oh, Jack. He is quite a dog. Thanks for sharing his antics with us. :)
My dog Abigail also got hold of some boiled egg yolks (though she did not peel the eggs herself--I was making deviled eggs and left the bowl of yolks on the table while answering the phone). She later got sick at her "grandma's" house. Serves those grandparents right for insisting the dogs come over for Easter!
Too funny that Jack is a trouble maker! Sounds like a great Easter dispite. Have a great week.
I look forward to hearing all about Jack, and the new presidential dog... kid's, dogs and husbands always provide such a wealth of stories. Jack is so funny, he is one curious canine!
Jack can peel eggs? That needs to be on Youtube!
Jack cracks me up. If he wasn't a rascal, he wouldn't be Jack. Lovely eggs. I haven't dyed any in YEARS!
Glad you had a great Easter :)
Jack is so funny and you crack me up Kwana! Hope you had a wonderful weekend. xoxo
What a terror of a terrier! But that's what I love about them! My pick is a fox wired haired terrier; I know I am nuts but I can't resist that sparkle in their eyes! Anita
I literally went into a sugar overload yesterday..you would think at 24 I would have control...
this is too cute!
Kwana that reminds me of when we had Buddy the man (welsh terrier) years ago. I hide Buddy, Kelly and Gary (yes poor G has to even look for a basket) before I went to bed. We woke up to the 2 rug rats squeaking their new hidden toys and each had the toy meant for them!! Oh yeah and they each had a cookie treat!!
You got to love that Jack. Thank goodness only one egg otherwise the windows would have to stay open. lol... xoxo
Oh he's a mess, isn't he? But quite discerning to choose his very own egg!! I do hope he suffers no ill effects from his culinary adventures!!
so cute!!! our dog georgie has always had the worst stomach - terrible rumblings grumblings and you know what else! yuck. after an operation, pills, shots, everything - her new vet put her on this glutlen free food and overnight her stomach is normal. we've tested it too when we've run out and overnight she goes right back to it. i dont know why i'm telling you this - but gluten is killing our dogs.
at first I thought Jack was driving! I didn't see you there for a second!!!!
Cote de Texas. I'm so sorry for your dogs troubles. I hope it all works out. It was my hubby driving but I wouldn't put it past crazy Jack!
Joyce you are so sweet to you dogs. The best.
Thanks for all the comments Jack deserves no praise. Ha!
Hope you had a great Easter. We're over sugar here, going on a detox diet.
Sounds like Jack and I had a similar day...full of food and grog (and speaking of grog...I was a wee bit on the groggy side today. :-)
Fastingly yours,
Laura ;-)
Hilarious that he actually peeled the eggs... boy he's too smart! So funny! Great story - so glad you had a nice Easter!
Oh what a fun Easter post! Thoroughly enjoyed it!! That Jack is quite the character and so adorable!!! Peeling an egg, the yoke's on you!! Who would have ever thought he could peel and eat hard boiled eggs!!! xoxo
but he's so cute!
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