Saturday, May 30, 2009
Who Says Feminists Don't Have Humor?
Nellie McKay from I love her voice and humor.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Say It Ain't So- Archie and Veronica?

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Did I Really Need To Know This?

Check this out now has a feature where you can download audio book right to your Crackberry. Did I really need to know this? Not really. You know how crazy I am for my books and my Crackberry, so to combine the two. Yowza! Mindblowing.

I'm such a book head but lately with all my editing and my family stuff I've been having the hardest time getting through a book. Even falling asleep in the bath during my beloved reading time late at night. It's so frustrating.
I have been enjoying The Lace Reader, my book club book, on audio though. My library has the coolest my thing. This great little audio pod called Playaway that contains one book that you can grab and go. So cute and handy. I just grab it on my way out the door with Jack for our walks. You supply your own headphones.

So how do you fit in your reading time?
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Have You Met Anne?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
This Is Not A Surprise To Me

How was your holiday weekend? Did you BBQ and have lots of fun? I hope so. We enjoyed our town's parade and hung with the neighbors.

So I took this color quiz that I got over at the Fictionistas. I was totally honest and not surprised by the results at all. What color are you? Report back and tell me if you are surprised.
You are most like: | ||
![]() You are bold with a dark side. You make clear lines wherever you go, though you color outside of the lines. Many people may just see the surface of you and think you are merely plain, but you have a lot of depth to you as well. | ||
Take this quiz: Which Crayola Box of 8 Color Are You? | ||
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
My Wish

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Funny Week Is Not Over Yet- Gilda!
I hope you're enjoying your weekend.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Original Funny- Carol Burnette
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Keep the Funny Gals Coming
Today I'm heading to Australia for the original Kath and Kim. The funniest mother / daughter team evah! Sorry, but the US version, as much as I love Molly Shannon, is cute, but just doesn't compare.
Check out this clip with an guest appearance by Kylie Minogue:
I hope you're having fun!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Absolutely Fabulously Funny
I heard from David Dust that the plans for the US version was scrapped but I can understand it. I fear justice would have never been done to the original. Let's keep laughing this week!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Funny Lady
I'm really looking forward to seeing her in Away We Go. My kinda sweet movie. Here's the trailer:
She's my kinda funny lady. And I can use the laughs right about now.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Temptation vs. Tests

This has been a week of strife. Finally on Saturday night I sent out this tweet in frustration:
“If this is all a test- I'll take my F now. Washing machine breaks down full of wet clothes. Blow dryer takes out half the lights in my house”
It just seems that it’s all been one big pile on after another. I’m sure many of you out there know how that is especially if you have kids and extra especially if you have teens. We won't even get into the "R" word.
The young adult novel that I’m working on is just right about there. So close to done, but really not done because it’s in the editing stage. The toughest stage of all for me. When I’m getting feedback from my critique partners that can make the fragile neurotic writer in me quickly turn into the stereotypical doom and gloom alkie.
Thankfully, things happen to give me that much needed push to go on and away from the bottle. Whew!
I was wiped out on Sunday with a migraine and didn’t want to go to church but the DD did. I think to see friends. So I got up and out. There was a guest preacher, the mother of one of the ministers on our staff.
The young minister got up to introduce his mom and the way he spoke just warmed my heart. Speaking off the cuff about the woman who, “had to lay Godly hands on him” when he was almost kicked out of school as a young boy, but was the smartest and best woman he knows. I laughed and knew I was there for a reason.
Then she opened her mouth and started to speak about being Tested versus being Tempted. That confirmed it. Headache or not, yep, I was in the right place. The words that got me were that temptation is put forward for you to fail. A Test is set up for you to pass. I’ve never thought of it that way.
I’ve been tempted plenty of times to give up on things like hard projects or diets or worse this writing dream. Saying, it’s too hard I can’t do it, I’m not talented enough. But it’s all just really a test. And like I tell my children, there are no shortcuts and I must keep persevering until I pass this and all my other tests.
I know I will.
Have you been Tempted lately? Think of it as just a Test. One you can Ace!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Vex Therapy

So I decided to end the day by popping old faithful, Pride and Prejudice into the DVD player. A little Jane Austen with lovely Colin Firth is always good for the soul.
How do you deal when things get vexing?
Friday, May 15, 2009
I'm a Vulcan!
Oh Kristen and Mel you do find the best things. Thanks so much!
Now go and make your own here and keep the joy going. Happy Friday.
1. Book/Dinner/Wine/Mom's night out was so much fun. We had an exciting discussion over The Ten Year Nap. We even got lively over the word 'piquant'. All different views on the characters and the style of writing. We were the loudest in the restaurant. Thank goodness we were in the back and we were the last to leave the restaurant. Too funny.

2.Did you watch the real Hot Messes of NYC part 2 reunion? So fun! The best. Le Countess giving Kelly the business. Who woulda thunk it? Then the Kelly Bethenny showdown. Whoa!

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Girl's Night Out-Literary Edition
New restaurant tonight, Persian and BYOB. Fun! PVE is the designated driver. Loves her!
We've all finished THE TEN YEAR NAP and I can't wait to get into the discussion and see who thought what of this book about mothers going through life's adversities. I've got my thoughts. But, don't I always?
The new selection is THE LACE READER by Brunonia Barry. I've decided to "read" this one on audio book during walks with Jack since the weather is getting better and my TBR (to be read) pile is tipping over and full of great romances that I'm excited to read.
Here is the trailer:
What are you currently reading?
P.S. I made an error! Part 2 of the NYC Housewives reunion is tonight. I'm setting my DVR are you watching?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Domestic Space Goddess
I'm a woman being hurled though space and time with lots to say and not enough time to say it. It's been all work, work, work and none of it fun.

All this domestic stuff had me dreaming of pirates taking me away. No, not those kind b

I mean, hey if I'm swabbing the deck there might as well be a nice treasure at the end of the deal. Sigh.
Hey and did you all watch Part 1 of the Real Housewives of the NYC hot mess reunion special? I love it when the words come back to. They always do. Hello Camera! Ramona and her wildness. Kelly and the tears. There was so much Hot Messery that they need a part 2 next week.
And then I couldn't even go to bed because they put The Hot Messes of New Jersey on right after. What?! Teresa is going for a French chateau look in her marble, granite and onyx house and paying only in cash. I'm saying no more.

Oh, Bravo how I love and hate you at the same time.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The Best Laid Plans

That's when I realized my bin/pile method was not working and I needed a slim drawer system also a new jewelry system for all my baubles in random mini bins. Ugh!
Don't you hate it when a plan doesn't come together?
Monday, May 11, 2009
Another Monday- Say Thanks

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
80's Crazy
Friday, May 8, 2009
Motherly Love
First off; The Fashion Show, did you watch? I sure did. While it's no Project Runway, I enjoyed it. It was a nice, refreshing change and will keep me entertained while I hold out for PR on that heart wrenching movie channel that I can never keep up with.
I thought the pack of hot mess designers were just hilarious. Well done. And let me say I didn't give cute Kelly Rowland enough credit for being able to throw the barbs. Very nice. That "Hanging by a thread," line had me howling. As for Isaac, he's always fun to watch.
Well, it's Mother's Day weekend and that got me thinking about the best movies that capture the spirit of mothers. My mom had us at the theater seeing this little gem on its opening weekend.
Come on you know you wanna laugh or at least snort a bit. It's totally un-PC but that's okay. I'm not telling. Funny how 28 years later I'm looking at Joan in a new light, slightly tilting my head.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend whether you're a mom or not. Please celebrate in a special way. Have a happy.
Oh and check out this sweet message sent to me by my bud PVE here . It's nice to have a little love from your friends.
Much Love!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Take Me Out to The Ball Game

Last night I got to go to the new Yankee Stadium with The DH and DS.

And a little romance in Beyond Heaving Bosoms at the game!

It was an exciting game with a crazy tie up in the pouring rain in the 8th inning which resulted in a rain delay. But sadly, the Yanks went on to lose in the 10th. I’m tired today.

Here I am in my fetching new Bronx Bombers Hat. I love it! Perfect for bad hair days and walking Jack.
I hope you have a great day.
Scroll down to talk The Fashion Show! Are you watching tonight?
The Fashion Show
I'll be happy to see cutie, Kelly Rowland but come on, can she bring the barbs? That will have to be all Issac. We'll see people? I wonder if it will Be David Dust blog worthy? Hmm...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Who Ya Gonna Call?

As a treat I was able to pin Marley down for a few moments in between all her exciting travels and Ghost Hunts and have her answer a few interview questions.

It's the first in a trilogy. Get out your tape recorders, crystals, and extra batteries— you’re about to go where our world meets the spirit world..Psychic Kids, Paranormal State, Haunting Evidence—these and countless other television shows are making believers out of millions of people: Ghosts exist, and they’re living right beside us. For centuries, individuals have been trying to prove the existence of ghosts. But without hard evidence, it’s been difficult to make the case. But now as science and technology have progressed, ghost hunters have been able to use scientific means, along with more traditional psychic tools, to make their case. Photographs, video recordings, and sound recordings are all producing some amazing results.
In this new series, Ghost Huntress, meet Kendall Moorehead, a seemingly typical teen. When her family moves from Chicago to the small historical town of Radisson, Georgia, her psychic abilities awaken. She’s hearing, feeling, and seeing things that seem unbelievable at first, but with the help of the town psychic, Kendall is able to come to terms with her newly emerging gift. So, together with her new BFF, Celia, Kendall forms a ghost hunting team. They’ve got all the latest technology. They’ve got Kendall for their psychic. Now they’re going to clean up Radisson of its less savory spirits.
The story is fiction. The science is real. Welcome to a new reality.
2.How did you get the idea for the series?
I was attending the New England Romance Writers' Conference back in 2007 and attended a session run by the New England Ghost Project talking about their ghost hunting investigations. I found the idea completely fascinating and knew I had to write a story about teenage ghost hunters. I had no idea at that time that there were TV shows such as GHOST HUNTERS, HAUNTING EVIDENCE, and DEAD FAMOUS - to name a few - that highlighted such types of investigations. From there, everything just blossomed.
3. What do you want your young readers to get from the series?
I'd like young readers to know that the challenges of growing up and finding out who you are and what your place in life is are universal and timeless. I just want readers to see that being different is okay, no matter if you're new to a town, have an accent, are too skinny...or are experiencing a psychic awakening.
4. Care to give us a hint about what's coming next?
In GHOST HUNTRESS: THE GUIDANCE, out in September, readers will see Kendall growing more comfortable in her psychic skin. She will continue to develop and hone her abilities through the guidance of not only her group of fellow huntresses, but her parents, her mentor, Loreen, and her priest, Father Massimo...and her spirit guide, Emily.
I am currently working on GHOST HUNTRESS: THE REASON, the third book in the trilogy that will be a little darker than the other two books. Kendall will experience some very life-changing things that will leave her questioning everything she's ever known. That book will be out in May 2010.
Thanks so much for being here Marley. I'm so happy for you and wishing you much success. Happy Hunting!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Temper Tuesday

Just add him to the list. He almost made it through the day yesterday without making it on the list with the rest of the folks and then last night I go in the kitchen for a moment, turn back to go in my bedroom and there is Jack standing on my bed like it's perfectly normal.
What!! Now I can take a lot but can't stand for a dog on my bed. Do you know where Jack walks.
Ugh! Anybody want a dog for cheap?

Monday, May 4, 2009
A Cheap Date