Oh boy are my legs burning! So I checked it out and yep, the gym is still there, but I already knew that. Crap.
Only that cute Mel could get me into this mess. Her smooth words and silky charm took me over the edge and actually got me on the Dredmill twice in one week. I'm paying for it now though with Legs O' Fire. I'm following the Couch potato to 5K plan which seems pretty reasonable for a runner hater like me. Let's see if I can actually make it stick. If these legs don't stop burning I don't know.
My mind is twisting in a million different directions right about now with the Dear Teen Twins, DH, the house, housework, my writing, dieting, exercise, finances (or lack thereof) and the election about 2 minutes away. UGH! I find it tough to focus on just one thing. Of course that's the Gemini in me too.
Lists help though and breaking the day off into chunks otherwise it can easily turn into a big lump of nothing.
I find that music helps to get me moving when I really slow down. My music guru, the PIC, introduced me to Van Hunt a while back and he's been fave ever since. Check him out.
What do you think? What are some of your tricks to stay focused?
What did you are think of the Not So Real Housewives of The ATL? Was it cool for Kim to diss NeNe? I think not.
Oh and Scroll down if you missed the NJ conference talk.
I am really trying NOT to watch Housewives, but every once in a while I turn it on to see if Kim (is that the white chick?) has done anything about that Barbie wig on her head. That thing is nasty. It's like plastic hair. Who does she think she's kidding? If Big Daddy can buy her diamonds, why can't he buy her a human hair weave?
Just saying.
Kristen you are so funny. Kim's hair was bugging me so much last night. The other ladies had their weaves in place and Kim's was jacked up. You are so right.
What is it with all that cleavage?
Is there a show for housewives w/o all that?
I really think my old soul was born long long ago, please take me back to Pride & Prejudice.
Groovin on the music Kwanster!
You know, I would love to see a Real Housewives of Mid-America where the Avon lady comes to visit and they sing in the church choir and get to be room mom at their kid's school. Now that would be something.
why is it, every time I turn around, I'm getting blamed on a blog for somebody's pain? You..Laura...who's next?
At least you said I'm cute and have smooth words and silky charm. That makes up for it all. LOL
Cleavage sells Patricia. I need to get me some.
The Avon Lady may be twisted Kristen.
Thanks for not taking offense Mel especially since I will be blaming you all up and down this blog, but at least I'll do it with love sweetness.
I voted on Monday. I've had my say, so putting the election out of my mind.
If I put the time and effort I put into diet and weight into my writing, I'd probably be on the NYT bestseller list. But nooooo, I wanna wear a size 6!
thanks for the heads up on new music! i'm digging it! :)
I keep trying to watch Real Housewives of Atlanta, but all that excess and luxury make me nauseous :).
Good for you for working out! I personally hate going to the gym or working out- I am the laziest person whoever walked this earth. The only reason I stay in shape is because I love ballet. I take class every week and I try to do some stretching and strengthening everyday to improve my technique. I guess it's easier when you find something you really enjoy.
I'm so glad you got your vote on PBW!
I'm so glad you liked the music Lump.
Ballet is a wonderful way to keep in shape Muriel. Good for you. I wish I were so good.
Hi, I'm back after a week of totally ignoring blog land, shame on me!
Talk about focus. Shutting the door and shutting all distractions out. Music included. I have to put myself in a "zone".
Focus. Well. My trick to staying focused involves a lot of coffee. A lot. There must be appropriate music (classical movie soundtrack), lighting (stained glass lamp, candles), and for the bunny to not be so darn cute (but she always is so I'm always distracted). Oh. And a looming, terrifying deadline. Terror helps.
So total silence for you N and you have be in the mood Leanna. I get it.
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